I've always felt rather eccentric given the stories going on in my head and my unusual perspective of things going on around me. Even among other writers I always felt a little weird. Then I began studying the life of Charles Dickens and felt strangely validated as a writer. Through studying his life and his works, I have learned many amazing things that are thought-provoking and worthy of noting. He was and is a truly amazing man! I hope you enjoy this journey of discovery with me. ~Anita

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Masterful Article

Given my most recent lengthy stretch of being in semi-hibernation, it recently occurred to me that there was a masterful article written about Dickens near the time of his 200th birthday in February, and I had intended to share it here and had completely overlooked it. Whether you are a Dickens fan or not, this is truly great and I hope you'll take the time to read it HERE.

Since February 7th when the great bicentennial celebration of his birth took place (getting a lot of hoopla in London, I hear) we have now passed June 9th, which is the anniversary of his death. Given how difficult his life was, I wonder if he might consider THAT date more worth celebrating. He's now been dead 142 years, and I like to think of him very busy in the writing and artistic circles of heaven.

1 comment:

Rhonda Miller said...

What a great thought. I can't wait to read the article.